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How you can get your Malaysian hair to obey you?

  1. Loosen up

Frequent tight ponytails put tension on the strands in the back and on top of your head, which can lead to breakage and cause flyaways. If you can't stand wearing your hair down, mix up the height of your pony, and only wrap your elastic a couple times.

  1. Break up with heat

Using heat on your hair, especially frequently, causes damage and breakage — and can even melt your strands.When you get out of the shower, wrap your head in an absorbent towel, but don’t wring out your hair. Let the towel absorb the moisture. If you rub or twist your hair, it will break and become more damage.

  1. Choose good quality hair

If your checking account's a little abundant, ask your stylist to choose the best hair weave for you.Such as the human hair of CEXXY,it is 100% Unprocessed Malaysian hair. Malaysian hair can be used by using different DIY or professional application methods such as clip in, tape in or wefts/weaving. Malaysian hair can be used again and again with proper handling and are an inexpensive way to attain infinite styling promises.



If you are a Malaysian hair wearer, you sure know that your hair weave needs care just as your own hair. Malaysian hair require some maintenance and care in order to get the best longevity from their store If they are good taken care of, they will always present a good state.

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